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Monday 5 October 2015

Cindy M Ballard--"There is a reason they call them throwaway dogs." (such empathy and compassion NOT)

Cindy M Ballard is a particularly nasty pit bull hater and despite all of her allegations relating to pit bull owners bullying victims etc it seems it's Cindy who has little compassion or empathy for victims as the dog in the story was obviously a victim.
There is a reason they call them throwaway dogs.

Authorities are hunting the owner of a pitbull-like dog found dead in a dumpster in the city's…

And as you can see Elton Camp is a special kind of twisted as he recommends the culprit receive a commendation for his/her abuse of this poor animal whose body was found in a dumpster.

Susan George seems to be confused or commenting on the wrong post as she rants about rescues and breeders when the story is about a poor dead dog found in a dumpster and finding the culprit.

This post is a perfect example of the types of posts you'll find in these Facebook groups allegedly acting in the interest of public safety whereas it was quite probable that one of their members did this to this poor dog as their main focus is killing pit bulls and if that decreases the death toll all well and good but as we know in spite of the deaths of thousands and thousands of pit bulls weekly in shelters each week the death toll in 2014 was 50% higher then the average for the 2 decades preceding this one.

In itself this indicates that pit bulls are not the problem at all, irresponsible owners are just one of the many reasons for DBRF's and to try and say it's a breed problem is infantile and undoubtedly is contributing to the escalating death toll.

Breed specific Legislation proponents have the blood of all those victims of non banned breeds on their hands and seem willing to sacrifice those victims in order to exterminate pit bulls.

"The Pit Bull Problem"

Friday 2 October 2015


The Facebook post that led to Cherica Winston's arrest. Additional images and a video below.
The Facebook post that led to Cherica Winston's arrest. Additional images and a video below.
Aurora's Cherica Winston wasn't busted for posting the phrase "fuck this dog" on her Facebook page.
However, the item led directly to her arrest for animal cruelty.
Winston, who was known as "Juju LaRay" on Facebook, appears to have deleted the page in question. But former Facebook friend Travis Smith set into motion a police investigation that determined Winston had committed a crime against a pit bull puppy for which she was dog-sitting.
The social-media-centric details come courtesy of Smith and a report on Fox31 shared below.
As the station notes, Winston has had previous run-ins with the law, as witnessed by this booking photo.
Cherica Winston.
Cherica Winston.
Weld County Sheriff's Office via Fox31
Smith, for his part, became concerned when he saw her Facebook post about the dog.
Here's a larger look at the image, featuring her original item and several replies, as posted by Smith.
"F*ck This Dog" Facebook Post Leads to Cherica Winston Animal Cruelty Bust
According to Smith, he messaged Winston after seeing the note, and her snappy response concerned him.
So did a photo of a BB gun he found on her page.
"F*ck This Dog" Facebook Post Leads to Cherica Winston Animal Cruelty Bust
Facebook via Fox31
For these reasons, he notified the Aurora Police Department.
The APD sent officers to Winston's apartment....
A look at Cherica Winston's Aurora apartment.
A look at Cherica Winston's Aurora apartment.
...where they found the puppy in a small crate with no food and water. The dog smelled strongly of urine and feces.
There was no evidence that Winston had Tased the puppy or used the BB gun on it — but the puppy was taken to Aurora's animal shelter and she was cited for animal cruelty.
Afterward, Smith posted the following notes on his Facebook page:
Great news, the dog has been found and taken away from its abusive owner. We are currently working to get it out of the Aurora Shelter and into a great home. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to everyone who shared this post and helped us to locate the dog and soon punish the abusive owner!!
I just wanted to personally say thank you for everyone that has gotten involved in helping us save the dog from my earlier post. The post has literally been shared 200 times in less than 8 hours and I have been contacted by people from as far away as the East Coast showing their support.
Okay, everyone, here's the latest update. Currently the dog is at the Aurora Shelter and it has been taken away from Laray Winston. We're working to get the dog released and into a safe home. Throughout the last 24 hrs we received dozens of leads and by getting them to the Aurora PD we were able to find the dog. I can't thank everyone enough who helped in locating her. This is one time where social media has proven to be a powerful tool for good. ?#?MakeanImpact? ?#?ChangetheWorld?
A court date for Winston has been set for October 27. Look below to see theFox31 piece.

Friday 20 February 2015

Karen Branson-- I LOVE dogs - pit bulls aren't *really* dogs. They are a mutation of a dog. This garbage breed needs to be eliminated.

Karen Branson
Luke & Babette's Big "Pitbull" Lobby I LOVE dogs - pit bulls aren't *really* dogs. They are a mutation of a dog. This garbage breed needs to be eliminated. They serve not purpose that can't be filled by pretty much any other breed of dog, without the inherent risk to society. Unless of course, you're a dog fighter. If that's the case, no other dog will do! Sure, they've tried it with other breeds but it just doesn't work.

Karen Branson--I convinced an acquaintance to give up their pit bull they had adopted 2-3 years ago as a puppy. (this woman just oozes hate filled puke)

Karen Branson
Luke & Babette's Big "Pitbull" Lobby
What breed of dog is most likely to turn on its owner?

I convinced an acquaintance to give up their pit bull they had adopted 2-3 years ago as a puppy. She had been sold all the typical lies the shelters tell to pawn these savages off on unsuspecting people. I provided her with information and let her draw her own conclusion. She had started the whole conversation talking about how frustrating it was that all the women in her new neighborhood, that liked to get together after the kids left for school, and walk their dogs together, had snubbed her. While they were typically friendly, when it came to walking their dogs, they would not invite her, or made excuses to keep her from joining when she asked about it. Also, they would not allow the children to come to her home for play-dates, even though she assured them she would be happy to crate the mutant. She finally called them out on it and they admitted they did not want to have their dogs around hers and they didn't feel comfortable being around it. So naturally, I sided with the neighborhood ladies and from that conversation, sent her some information. She really had no idea!

After she read my information, she said she could never look at her dog the same and would never be able to relax and trust her around her kids after knowing what she knows, and how many had turned on their families. Her husband wasn't on board but she insisted and they surrendered the dog! She thanked me and said she didn't know all that when they got the dog and always thought she was so sweet but she simply could not take that risk with her kids (because she was a GOOD parent)! As she put it, "My god, I can't 'unknow' this now". Kids were upset but got over it when the got a new, normal breed puppy! Good that you live in the kind of neighborhood where pits are the norm, but that's not really our demographic. Oh, and now, she's part of the coffee klatch, "Wisteria Lane", dog walking group! All's well that ends well! Except for the pit of course. She said she felt bad because it had still been in the shelter months later.

Saturday 7 February 2015

Pit Bull Cruelty

Brown pit bull looks out of cage with paw on door
In recent years, Pit Bulls have gained more than just a foothold in public awareness. Unscrupulous breeding and negative media attention have resulted in many apartment complexes, neighborhoods and even counties imposing bans on Pits and Pit mixes, citing them as "inherently dangerous" to the public.
Pit Bulls often attract the worst kind of dog owners—people who are only interested in these dogs for fighting or protection. While Pit Bulls were once considered especially non-aggressive to people, their reputation has changed, thanks to unscrupulous breeders and irresponsible owners. And because the Pit Bull population has increased so rapidly, shelters now struggle to deal with an overflow of image-plagued, hard-to-place dogs.
History of the Breed
Pit Bulls are descendants of the original English bull-baiting dog—a dog that was bred to bite and hold bulls, bears and other large animals around the face and head. "Bulldogs" were bred to hang on without releasing their grip, until the animal was exhausted from fighting and from loss of blood. When baiting large animals was banned in the 1800s, people then started to fight their dogs against each other instead.
As the "sport" of dog fighting developed, enthusiasts bred a lighter, more athletic canine. These dogs made their way to North America, the ancestors of today's Pit Bulls. Pit Bulls that were not used for fighting were considered ideal family pets—affectionate, loyal and gentle with children. Serious problems started when these dogs gained the attention of people looking for a macho dog—and to meet their demands, unscrupulous and uncaring breeders are producing puppies that were not only aggressive to other dogs, but also to people.
In the Fighting Ring
Although a felony offense in all 50 states, organized dog fights still take place in many parts of the country. In some urban areas especially, dogfighters have formed a strong subculture. Dogs that fight are bred and conditioned to never give up when they are fighting, even if it means that they will be badly hurt or killed. Other animals are victims of dog fights, too—it's not uncommon for trainers to encourage their dogs' aggression by using other dogs and smaller animals such as cats, rabbits and rodents as bait.
While some might typify dog fighting as a symptom of urban decay, not every dogfighter is economically disadvantaged. Participants and promoters come from every community and all backgrounds, with audiences including lawyers, judges and teachers and other upstanding community leaders.
Unfortunately, a new element has been introduced to the world of dog fighting over the past two decades. Fights have become informal street corner and playground activities. Stripped of the rules and formality of the traditional pit fight, these spontaneous events are triggered by insults and turf invasions—or even the simple taunt, "My dog can kill your dog." Many people who participate in these fights lack even a semblance of respect for the animals, often starving and beating them to encourage aggressive behavior.
What You Can Do
  • Visit the ASPCA Advocacy Center to keep up to date on dog fighting legislation in your state.
  • Adopt a Pit Bull and let your perfect pooch be an ambassador for the breed!
  • If your local shelter is facing a Pit Bull dilemma, volunteer to help keep adoptable Pit Bulls and Pit mixes mentally and physically fit by exercising them or taking them to obedience classes. You can also lead a chew-toy drive at work to collect hard rubber playthings to keep them busy, or help create a fund-raiser to support a free sterilization program for Pit Bulls in your local community.
  • Visit Pit Bull Rescue Central for information on adopting and caring for American Pit Bull Terriers, American Staffordshire Terriers and Pit Bull mixes.

Dog Fighting: A Sad Reality

As I was watching Animal Cops Detroit on Animal Planet, I yet again saw another case of pit bulls being removed from their owner's property because of illegal dog fighting.  I watched in horror as they removed the dogs, and saw that some had huge pieces of skin torn from them, including ears and noses.  Some had their paws missing, and others were already dead.  Medicine was also found on the property, but not regular medicine like Tylenol or Benadryll.  These were medicines that the owners would inject into their dogs to make them stronger or more awake; some were just for experiments.  In fact, drugs such as merowana or heroin are also given to the dogs, but not even for any type of medical reasons at all: they're given to their dogs for fun.
   Keep in mind: a dog is not born as fighter; a dog is born and is trained to fight.  The cruel ways of training these poor animals to kill another animal are grotesque, brutal, and horrifying.  Some dogs are called bait dogs, where when a dog is too weak to fight, they'll tape the muzzle of the dog shut and throw it in the ring with a stronger dog and encourage it to kill the bait dog.  The dog whose muzzle had been taped shut has no possible way of fighting back.  Puppies and kittens are also used as bait.  The owners will sometimes have poles that are stuck in the ground with a larger pole coming out of the top horizontally.  On either side of the horizontal pole will be two chains.  On one chain, there will be a puppy or kitten in a cage.  The other, a pit bull, who's forced to chase the small animal in the cage.
    In a match, the object of the "sport" is that two dogs will fight against each other.  The winner lives, but the loser is killed by either being beaten, drowned, or shot.  But the winner of the match is not celebrating because it survived a brutal death.  It has to move on to another round to face another dog, and win or lose, the pit bull faces a horrible fate.
    The brutality of dog fighting is unreal, yet sadly, it exists.  A pit bull is trained to kill and fight; it is not naturally born aggressive.  Here are the facts laid out in front you: if we outlaw pit bulls, dog fighting will only grow more popular because the dog fighters will work harder to get the dogs.  There is absolutely no real reason to ban pit bulls.  People will say, "There are countless pit bull attacks reported!"  But that's not so.  In some cases, the dog was unable to be identified, but they still reported it as a pit bull.  There are so many attacks from other breeds, but they're just not reported. 
    Consider the facts and consider the pain that thousands of dogs have felt because of irresponsible owners.  This can be stopped, and yes, it will take time, but that doesn't mean it can't be ended.  It can only end if more people fight against it.  It has to be stopped.  A dog has to be saved.

Pit Bull Abuse

Akeera, an American Pit Bull Terrier, was found in a tiny crate with no food or water and nothing but her own waste.  She did come out of this horrible ordeal, and is still full of love and kindness.  Akeera now has a loving family.

Another loving pit bull was seized from his home for 17 months by the Australian government. His owner had to pay $40,000 in court to bring him home. 

 Check out this article by Nancy Perkins:
    Lucas isn't your typical brown-eyed bundle of puppy love. His massive muzzle is crisscrossed with jagged, now-healed cuts and his finely muscled body is pitted with old puncture wounds and bite marks.  "His face is so scarred, but he's such an amazing dog," coos Carissa Hendrick as Lucas enthusiastically wiggles into her arms, covering her face with sloppy kisses. "He knows he's in a safe place."
 Lucas, along with 21 other pit bulls, once belonged to ex-NFL quarterback Michael Vick and his now disbanded Bad Newz Kennels dog-fighting ring inVirginia. Lucas and his canine buddies are now living at Best Friends Animal Society, the nation's largest no-kill animal shelter, located just outside of Kanab in the red rock wonderland of Angel Canyon.  "A lot of the dogs came here really fearful, but they're starting to come around," said Hendrick, who works as a caregiver for the dogs placed with BestFriends. "I thought these dogs would be more of a challenge, but they're not at all what I expected."  
    Vick is serving a 23-month prison term for bankrolling the illegal operation and helping to kill dogs he considered to be under-performing. Three co-conspirators have also been sentenced in the high-profile case.**In fact, only one of these dogs had to be euthanized because it was mentally affected by fighting.  All of the other dogs were able to be put up for adoption.
            Article obtained from,5143,695248131,00.html

These are just some of the hundreds (repeat hundreds) of situations of pit bull cruelty and pit bulls being saved.
Some cases involved pit bulls that were set on fire, had acid poured on them, and were even injected with drugs until they died.
Pit bulls are not the killers that the media wants you to believe.  Don't hate what you don't know.  Discrimination because of this breed is IGNORANCE.

Did You Know...?

Here are some interesting facts about pit bulls that you may not have known about.
  • Pit bulls are in fact the least likely breed to attack anyone
  • They are extremely loving and gentle and were the number one dog of America until pit bull fighting became popular
  • The American Pit Bull Terrier scored 83.4% on its behavioral test while the collie (awww, Lassie) scored a mere 79%
  • A golden retriever has a higher bite percentage and is more likely to bite than a pit bull
  • Being aggressive to humans was never part of the pit bull's temperament and was bred out of them over 100 years ago
  • Pit bulls only cover 21% of all dog attacks
  • When a pit bull was being tested to see if it could be a rescue dog, it was the only dog out of three other breeds (lab, German shepherd, golden retriever) to complete the obstacle (finding a hidden boy past a barbed wire fence) without any human help - it in fact jumped through the barbed wire fence to rescue the boy and received 67 stitched afterwards
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